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- |\ | |¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯| Version 2.00
- | \ | |____| |____| 08-18-1996
- | \ | | | | Beta-3
- | \| e w | | C E | r e p r o c e s s o r
- I N T R O D U C T I O N
- As you can recognize by reading the name of the program, NAP is a
- new preprocessor for the programming language ACE.
- Until now APP or a C preprocessor (mostly CPP) was used by users of
- ACE. Both have had advantages and disadvantages. Whereas APP doesn't
- recognize defines but removes ACE comments, CPP does process defines
- but can only remove C-structures.
- NAP has been created to combine the features of APP and CPP. Lots of
- features are not included yet, but the features already implemented
- should satisfy many wishes.
- B A C K G R O U N D
- In February of 1996 I worked for the 1st time with includes. I don't
- know anymore what I wanted to do. But at least I needed some certain
- structures and used therefore an include command to get these struc-
- tures.
- But to my big surprise I'd to notice that there have also been many
- structures added I didn't need. Therefore I thought why not writing
- a program that does remove these unused structures and furthermore
- ACE comments and those stupid comments left by CPP. The idea was to
- run this program, so called RemoveStuff, after the preprocessor and
- to filter its output again. I even thought of expanding RemoveStuff
- to a real preprocessor in the future.
- But I got rid of this idea because I was uncertain about some facts.
- Then Herbert Breuer wrote me due to RemoveStuff and asked whether it
- would be possible to make RemoveStuff a self-standing preprocessor.
- Some e-mails later I started my work. The 1.x versions have been
- running quite satisfying but they were very slow. Furthermore, only
- the preprocessor command INCLUDE has been processed.
- But now we are already at version 2.00. This version is the third
- "official" beta release of this version.
- S P E E D
- Whereas the 1st beta release has been about 100 per cents faster at
- the time of release than the first working version (which has not
- been released), the 2nd beta release is even 200 per cents faster
- than the 1st one.
- For testing purposes I am using a short program called NAPtest.b. To
- process this program CPP needs 15 seconds. At the time when I'm wri-
- ting this manual, NAP needs 26 seconds.
- The following is a table about speeding increase I could get NAP to.
- But these numbers have to be seen with reservation. On the one hand
- they can differ ± 1 seconds. Furthermore they are only valid on an
- Amiga 500 with KS 1.3 and one mega byte RAM. On the other hand all
- include files had to be loaded from disc making NAP even slower.
- Theoretically NAP could be on modern Amigas nearly as fast as CPP
- due to faster loading. But anyway. On new Amigas NAP should be
- faster anyway. If it is fast enough that the difference to the speed
- of CPP can be neglected must be shown.
- +---------+-----------+-------+-------------------+----------------+
- | version | date | time | run without opts | run with -sqe |
- +---------+-----------+-------+-------------------+----------------+
- | | 06-26-'96 | 14:20 | 194 seconds | unknown |
- | | 06-27-'96 | 13:20 | 162 seconds | unknown |
- | | 06-28-'96 | 14:30 | 151 seconds | unknown |
- | | 06-29-'96 | 12:35 | 130 seconds | unknown |
- | | | 19:55 | 115 seconds | unknown |
- | | 07-01-'96 | 15:30 | 100 seconds | unknown |
- | | | 20:40 | 87 seconds | 92 seconds |
- | 2-00b | 07-12-'96 | 12:30 | 88 seconds | 88 seconds |
- +---------+-----------+-------+-------------------+----------------+
- | | 07-17-'96 | 23:45 | 33 seconds | 31 seconds |
- | | 07-19-'96 | 11:30 | 31 seconds | 28 seconds |
- | 2-00b2 | 07-23-'96 | 20:00 | 26 seconds | 22 seconds |
- +---------+-----------+-------+-------------------+----------------+
- These increases could be achieved by replacing certain ACE routines
- by faster assembler routines and by optimising the source code. Some
- parts of the routines have even been totally rewritten.
- The big destination by me is to get NAP to do everything CPP does
- and to do this with nearly the same speed. Therefore this version is
- in a kind of midfield.
- R E S T R I C T I O N S
- Since many changements came to NAP since version 1.1, there are some
- things not working such as wanted. This doesn't mean that there are
- bugs in NAP, I'd like to call them nasty side-effects. But of course
- there might also be bugs (see section "Known Bugs"). Therefore this
- is a beta release.
- - #include
- * When NAP finds such a command it tries to include the file if it
- has not been included yet. Within this file another #include can
- be and so on.
- ACE supports file openings for 9 files at the same time. There-
- fore NAP is unable to open more than 9 files a time. One file is
- always open, this is the output file.
- Until now I never had more than seven files open. But if there
- are case where more than 9 files must be opened I already have a
- plan how to realize this.
- - #define
- * Defines are always case-sensitiv. Since this is also the case by
- CPP I suppose this is standard.
- - Comments
- * Block comments must not be nested! This shouldn't happen anyway.
- But it could happen that someone uses { } within such a comment,
- to demonstrate something (so happend within the source code of
- NAP v1.1 where I wanted to say within a block comment that the
- following sub program replaces all C comments through { } !!)
- - in general
- * Tabulators are forbidden! They mark (as all ASCII codes <= 10)
- the end of a line. And tab has the ASCII code 9. In future re-
- leases this restriction will probably been removed.
- U S A G E
- NAP can only be launched from the CLI. It needs a minimum of two op-
- tions : the input and the output file. But there can also further
- parameters be passed, which activate or deactivate certain actions.
- Usage: NAP [-option [-option [-...]]] <inputfile> <outputfile>
- Options consist of one letter. If more than one option is used they
- can be clued together. Exceptions are options which need an additio-
- nal parameter. This parameter must be put directly without spaces
- behind the option letter. Behind the parameter there must be a space
- thus leading to a new parameter field of NAP.
- Now all options are explained. Most of them are so-called switches.
- They activate or deactive features of NAP.
- - Option S
- Switches the removement of unused structures off.
- - Option C
- Switches the removement of comments off.
- - Option Q
- Defines are not replaced within the source code but defined via a
- CONST statement (exception: within structures)
- - Option I
- Defines are just ignored.
- - Option E
- Error and warning messages are suppressed.
- - Option B<buffersize>
- Sets file buffer to <buffersize>*1000 bytes.
- - Option H
- Prints the usage message.
- - Option D<token>[=<replacement>]
- Defines <token> as if "#define <token> <replacement>" has been
- found within the source code. If <replacement> is not submitted, a
- 1 will be used.
- - Option U<token>
- Undefines <token> as if you wrote "#undef <token>".
- - Option P<directory>
- Adds a new path to the path list to be gone through for include
- files. You can define 7 new paths. The current directory and the
- logical device ACEINCLUDE: are always defined! Pay attention that
- <directory> must end with : or /
- F E A T U R E S
- NAP does many things. Some can be de-/activated. It follows a des-
- cription of NAP's work when no options are used (default).
- At first NAP checks whether the input and the output file can be
- opened. It the output file already exists it will be deleted without
- warning (sorry). This could change in future releases. Afterwards
- NAP goes through the contents of the input file and copies it line
- by line to the output file. During this work all C comments are re-
- placed by ACE comments. Furthermore the comments are removed. Same
- for structures which aren't used within this programme.
- By processing the input file NAP also tries to summarize bunches of
- empty lines (but they must be REAL empty lines). Furthermore each
- line (except comments !) are checked of the use of defines. If a de-
- fine is found it will be replaced. Eventually passed parameters are
- put in.
- H I N T S . . .
- ... to defines:
- Defines are declared via: #define <token> <replacement>
- NAP supposed that there are no spaces within <token>. Within
- <replacement> may be spaces. It is even possible to split <replace-
- ment> in different lines. To be precisely, NAP joins the following
- line to the current one (but only within defines), it the last let-
- ter is a \ or a ~.
- ... to #if and #elif statements
- Although I suppose it to be against the ANSI-C standard I added a
- = for <expression>. If the result of the left side is equal the re-
- sult of the right side, a 1 will be given back, otherwise a 0. In
- front and after the = you have to put a space.
- Otherwise NAP checks, whether <expression> is true ( <>0 ) or false
- (=0). At the moment you can use +, -, *, \ and /. You are allowed
- to use parantheses, but they must not be nested. Principally all
- numbers within <expression> are considered to be decimal. If you
- wish to use hexadecimal or octal numbers you must use the ACE-typi-
- cal predecessors!
- The result of <expression> is always SINGLE! Therefore the result
- can be vary a little bit.
- K N O W N B U G S
- * NAP seems to interprete some special letters like © as markings of
- the end of line. I really don't know why! (REALLY!!!)
- * Since NAP defines unused structures as structures which are not
- declared and which are not used within a structure that is declar-
- ed, it might be possible that it removes structures even if they
- are needed! This may happen when this structure is only affected
- by a SIZEOF command but not declared, neither directly nor indi-
- rectly.
- This error should not occur very often.
- If you find more bugs please tell me (see section "Copyright").
- F U T U R E R E L E A S E S
- NAP is not complete yet. Many things could be added, some probably
- already in the next versions.
- - speed increasing
- - joining of lines even without #define
- - implementing of more preprocessor commands (#ASSERT, #PRAGMA ...)
- - using of tabs within the input file
- - more options (by reading the manual of CPP I see lots of things
- NAP is missing)
- - (your ideas ...)
- C O P Y R I G H T
- NAP is Cardware. This does just mean that I do not want money for
- NAP (but I would also not reject it!!!), but that I am satisfied
- with a picture postcard or a letter where the user tells that s/he
- uses NAP and how s/he likes it.
- This makes sense (in my eyes). At first I get to know how many peo-
- ple uses NAP, how far it is spread and how the people think about
- it. Second I get some nice stamps ;) So, if anybody really does
- what he is supposed to do, s/he could perhaps use some nicer stamps.
- Who does not want to use snail mail can also send an EMail. This is
- for people who want to say a lot or where there will follow a long-
- er correspondence. Furthermore I would prefer EMail from German and
- East-European users since I have enough stamps from these countries.
- If they don't have EMail access they could send a postcard anyway.
- I am putting NAP to cardware since, on the one hand, I wouldn't get
- money for it when making it shareware but, on the other hand, I just
- want to get something for my hard work (and sending a postcard
- should not be too expensive in any country that the user cannot
- afford it. So come on!)
- Otherwise NAP is the full property of the author and programmer. Ev-
- ery changement is strictly forbidden and breaks international copy-
- right laws. Parts of NAP's source, especially routines like Search2
- from the file NAP_Mods.b, can be used in your own programs as long
- as all changes are made recognizable as well as the fact that the
- copyright for these routines are still by the author of NAP. If any-
- one earns money with programs containing NAP routines the written
- permission of the author is necessary. If not, it is enough to in-
- form the author.
- It is also forbidden to earn money with NAP. This means that the
- selling of NAP is prohibited if more than 2 US-$ or the same in any
- other currency is to pay for.
- But you are allowed to copy and spread NAP freely as long as all
- files stay unaltered.
- There is no warranty for NAP, therefore no liability of the author.
- With the first use of NAP you do made clear that you agree with
- using NAP completely on your own risk.
- C R E D I T S
- A big Thank You goes at first to my Amiga 500 which stayed with me
- many years loyally. And he is going to do this probably some years
- more.
- Also many thanks go to Herbert Breuer who encouraged me since the
- beginning of NAP (in fact I would have never started programming
- NAP without him) and who stand by me with advices and hints.
- Furthermore, thanks to David Benn, author of ACE, who did help me
- often when I had had problems.
- Last, but not least, thanks to all the people who are using or who
- are going to use NAP and who are showing understanding for eventual
- bugs.
- C O N T A C T I N G T H E A U T H O R A N D A B O U T H I M
- Well, the author of NAP am I ;) My name is Daniel Seifert and I am
- living in Berlin-Hellersdorf (Hellersdorf is the eastmost suburb of
- Berlin). This is also the place where I go to school, in fact to the
- 1st Gymnasium (= grammar school !) Hellersdorf. I am in the twelfth
- grade.
- If anybody want to talk with me, due to NAP (see also section "Copy-
- right"), due to one of my other programs or due to something else I
- will take me time to answer him/her. But I am not willed to spend
- money for this! So, if anyone want to talk s/he should use EMail. My
- account is at my school. Therefore there might be some delays due to
- important exams or due to holidays. If anyone doesn't have the chan-
- ce to use EMail I do also write via "snail" mail. But the post fee
- should be send to me before, since I not very often suppose mail so
- important that I want to spend money for. So if you do not send me
- the postage, it will surely happen that you do not get an answer.
- Otherwise I would really like talking to you.
- (Postage in Germany for a 20g letter : within the European Community
- 1 DM, to other countries 2 DM or 3 DM for air mail. If you want to
- swap more than one letter, send a little bit more money for the next
- letters. If the money is not enough I do just send the letter as
- "Recipients pay", but I do not know whether this will work.)
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Daniel Seifert //tm Tel: (+49) 030 / 9984711 |
- | Weißenfelser Str. 40 // EMail: dseifert@hell1og.be.schule.de |
- | 12627 Berlin \\ // +--------------+
- | GERMANY \X/ The Amiga lives ... |/\_ _/\_ |
- +------------------------------------------------------+\/\~~~~/\/\~~~|
- | PGP finger print : A8B0282C985102066C8769391CF146AB |/\/\~~/\/\/\~~|
- | Public key (6D99EA5D) available on request/keyserver |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
- +------------------------------------------------------+--------------+
- From October '96 :
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Daniel Seifert //tm Tel: (+49) 030 / ? ? ? |
- | Elsenborner Weg 25 // EMail: dseifert@hell1og.be.schule.de |
- | 12621 Berlin \\ // +------------+
- | GERMANY \X/ The Amiga lives ... | |¯\ |
- +------------------------------------------------------+ | ) _ |
- | PGP finger print : A8B0282C985102066C8769391CF146AB | | / (_ |
- | Public key (6D99EA5D) available on request/keyserver | ¯¯ __) |
- +------------------------------------------------------+------------+